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Navigation News News Techniques Aspera nouveau navigateur Connect client version 3.6 disponible

Aspera nouveau navigateur Connect client version 3.6 disponible

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Capture_decran_2015-05-19_a_12.31.58Aujourd'hui, Aspera publie sur leur site Web une nouvelle version du client de navigateur Connect, la version 3.6 . Cette version inclut un nouveau plug-in Chrome natif construit en utilisant PPAPI de Chrome des API, qui apporte plusieurs avantages :

Today we will be releasing to our web site a new version of the Connect browser client, version 3.6. This version includes a new native Chrome plug-in built using Chrome's PPAPI ("pepper") APIs, which brings several advantages.
  • First, Connect 3.6 no longer relies on the NPAPI and thus works with the default configuration of Chrome. As of the current release of Chrome version 42, NPAPI is disabled by default, and must be re-enabled explicitly. Google also intends to remove support for NPAPI entirely in upcoming releases.
  • Second, Connect 3.6 includes all of the components necessary to continue work with all major browsers on Windows, Mac and Linux (Firefox, IE, Safari, as well as Chrome) and will continue to work with all 3rd party applications that are using the asperaweb-2.js JavaScript API.
  • Third, Connect 3.6 also includes a new asperaweb-4.js JavaScript API that allows 3rd parties to support all major browsers *including* Chrome version 42 and above with NPAPI disabled.

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Navigation News News Techniques Aspera nouveau navigateur Connect client version 3.6 disponible