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Navigation Support, Services & SAV Bluetooth à 2Mbps

Bluetooth à 2Mbps

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En réponse à la demande pressante d'utilisateurs avec plusieurs périphériques Bluetooth connectés à leur PC (clavier, souris, headset, mobile phone...), le Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) vient de lancer la plateforme Enhanced Data Rate (EDR).  EDR permet d'atteindre des vitesses de transmissions de 2.1 Mbps— soit trois fois plus rapide que les 721 kbps actuels du Bluetooth 1.2. "Bluetooth EDR achieves the higher data rate by making a move from the GFSK (gaussian frequency shift keying) modulation used in Bluetooth 1.2 to PSK (phase shift keying). Existing Bluetooth devices will be able to work with EDR devices because the spec still uses GFSK for packet headers, uses the same process for link establishment, and sticks with the same packet timing and structure. In fact, the symbol-transmission rate of 1 megasymbol per second also remains unchanged. PSK simply allows each symbol in the packet payload to carry more bits

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Navigation Support, Services & SAV Bluetooth à 2Mbps